Some Effect After Guest Posting on a DA 60 Site

When do you see any search engine result page (SERP) movement after Guest Posting for DA 60 site?
[filtered from 65 💬🗨]


You'll need to throw more at it (1-2 links may not be adequate). It used to be 4-6 weeks .. these days, longer, even months.

Bryan ✍️ » Daniel
OMG too long a wait

The general answer is depending on how aggressive your other competitors are in doing their SEO.
It depends (SEOs favorite answer)😂😂
Talal » Bryan
what’s your current position? Do you have any other links pointing at this website? How old is the site? What’s the competition like? Finally, DA doesn’t mean shit. Are you sure this is a good link? What did you pay for it? Is it relevant?

Bryan ✍️ » Talal
haven't paid yet

1. DA 60 means nothing to Google
2. Is the Guest post relevant to the site
3. How deep in the site is the guest post?
4. How good is the guest post?
5. How many links in the guest post?
6. Concentrate on your own site's content rather than trying to "fool" Google with fake posts.
7. Google is no longer as dumb as it used to be.

Bryan ✍️ » Mike » TRUE
Buy links. Make sure your buying from a decent site which not every post is a sponsored one. Buying links works.
Bryan, It doesn't matter whether you buy them or not, the same still applies.

Some of these Answers… Djeeze. Bryan
, buddy <— See that, I am a real SEO now Pal. DA is quite an overrated metric and it is well known that Google doesn't use third party metrics. Often link builders boost these specific metrics to sell Links for quite a lot money. That said, let's assume this link is high quality and quite relevant to your niche. Let's assume you vetted it and assume you are better then literally 70% of the industry… Which I have no doubt you are. Some people see results in the first 3 weeks, others it takes up to 3 months, others don't see any significant uptick. So in reality there is no REAL answer on your question. Just make sure the link is worth your while and be consistent in your link building, you will see results then.

Bryan ✍️ » Brent
OMG will save this.
Better not to buy links then??
Brent » Bryan
I do think buying links is quite good, especially with people like Gary Wilson
(who I still have to get back to, my apologies buddy, had covid.) Matt Diggity
, Gareth Hoyle.
(who I bought from personally). You just have to know how to vet links properly and to know who you are buying from.
Bryan ✍️ » Brent
ok cool
I find that instead of using DA for site metrics, you are better off using trust flow (TF) metric of majestic. Private blog network (PBN), with high TF will makes moves in few as couple days from being live. Same will apply with guest post or any other link inclusion. Vet the site where post is going to be put, and don't post on low end sites. Leave these reserved for web 2.0 type properties, and change up your link profile to create diversity.
Bryan ✍️ » Ryan
sounds very good advice


This may satisfy you: Google Dance Phenomenon
Your backlink will have effect between 2 weeks to a few months upon indexing.
You will not see ranking improvements by placing one link only.
SEO is simple and I have ranked several websites easily for medium to tough keywords.
All you need are 4 things:
1. Create a better and more comprehensive content than the top 3 competitors for the page you want it to rank.
2. Create several internal links within your website (to create topical relevance) pointing to your money page.
3. Do on site SEO optimisation.
4. Start link building (look at top 3 competitors average referring domains and aim for that number)
5. There is no 5th step, wait and enjoy watching your rankings flying to page 1.

Bryan ✍️ » Ali
omh wowww champion
So still buy links??
Ali » Bryan
You can either buy links or just do outreach.
I do a mix of both. Outreaching increases your networking powers in the SEO industry.
If you have no time then just buy.
There are so many good ones out there like Matt Diggity, SEOButler, SerpTrust and many more…

It depends on a variety of factors. I'd always say 3-4 weeks to a client roughly, you should understand crawl budget.
It varies depending on your crawl budget, the competitors crawl budget and the site with the link's crawl budget.
Let me try and explain crawl budget to those who haven't come across this before.
This is a very basic idea of how it works, simplified to help you understand
You change something to a page. In this case it's a link Google has to find your page, find the new link on the DA 60 site, go and crawl the competitor pages to see if anything has changed there, then make a calculation how your new link changes the ranking of the pages for the searches related to that page.
It's not how quickly the site with the link gets crawled or how fast your site gets crawled, it has to have an idea of the other pages trying to rank for the target keywords too.
It's not necessarily going to go ahead and crawl those other sites immediately, it's going to add it's to-do list next time if crawls those sites.
Otherwise, Google would be forever stopping what they were in the middle of to go crawl pages every time they found changes or new links.
Google decides how often it visits a site depending on a few different things. Like how often the site changes, how much traffic the site gets etc. Site structure is important too.
This is essentially a site's crawl budget.
If things change on your site regularly, you get links regularly and lots of visitors come to your site each day, you will have a large crawl budget, and Google will visit your site all the time. If you are a local shop and don't get a lot of web traffic and never make changes to your site, you will have a small crawl budget and Google crawls your site less often.
Imagine each of the top 50 pages ranking for a KW all have differing crawl budgets. If you are in a niche with high traffic, you'll find they all get visited more often and any changes you make like new links get found and rankings adjusted quickly.
This could be days. If not it could be 4-6 weeks for pages in niches not crawled often.
That's the basic principle.

Abhi » Roy
Your words are LEGIT! 🔥🔥❤️

This is not a question with a simple answer. Depends on your own DA how many other links etc. and your content of course. May make no difference at all. Usually it’ll be a week or two, sometimes months sometimes years.

Bryan ✍️ » Matthew
omg yearssss
to get to top positions years for sure. The average no1 post is 2 years old I believe. Doesn't mean all posts take years to rank but most high-volume keywords aren't won quickly that's for sure.


This may satisfy you: Maintained Backlink Increment With Guest Posts | Backlink Velocity

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