A Press Release PR Agency Sells Low-Quality Press Release From Domain Rating of 0

I just received a press release and every domain in the press release is a Domain Rating (DR) of 0. I am very disappointed. I should have just stuck with Spine Press Release (PR). Should I disavow all 100 of the DR 0 backlinks in the PR or ask the PR company to purge the links?


4 👍🏽1 🤯5 filtered from 45 💬🗨

Matt ✍️
The provider was Web 20 Ranker. Here is a link to my backlinks list from Ahrefs. All DR 0 links are the PR links and the URL is of course the title of the Press Release (PR) "company name offers 24 7 emergency services in company city" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CZQ50B9Gon-6LA86bYdtJI6hm_7ftV43HDbfLFxgNj8/edit

Allen 🎓🎩 » Matt
I've not heard very good things about them to be honest
Tye » Matt
I've also not heard good things. Maybe at one time they did good work but the quality has significantly suffered

Matt ✍️ » Victor
I am not sure what you are referring to. Here is a screen shot from Ahrefs itself that shows these are brand new backlinks. It is the PR title and article that Web 20 Ranker sent me. With the three links in the content that me and Web 20 Ranker agreed upon.

a press release pr agency sells low quality press release from domain rating of 0

Victor » Matt
So basically, you are assuming that all new links are from web20ranker. I am trying to understand why.
Matt ✍️ » Victor
Because it is the Press Release (PR) title, article, and contextual links, that I agreed upon with Web 20 Ranker.
Victor » Matt
I see. I'm not sure if that is just some spam that is reposting from a PR source, or if that is meant to be on the release. But the Report itself shows you the ones that were placed by the service. Hmm these do look different from the usual releases. Was this a Premium PR, or is there a cheaper option now?
Matt ✍️ » Victor
I just opened up the report. They built 242 links. And checking 20-30 in Ahrefs, it looks like about half are Domain Rating (DR) 0 and there are some that are not. Ahrefs only shows the 100 that are in the DR 0 range. The ones that are not DR 0 have not appeared on Ahrefs yet. Is half the links DR 0 bad? My site only had 50 links to start with but they were all good high quality links.
Victor » Matt
I would wait for them all to pick up in ahrefs. If they don't look like the sample report from the sales page definitely hit up support. From the ones on your list so far, it doesn't seem to be the usual list of sources.
Matt ✍️ » Victor
Thanks for looking into this and providing some insight. Using a search function in the screenshot bellow does show that all of the DR0 links show up in the report. I would have much rather had 50 good links without the 100+ bad links. What should I do? Disavow them? Can web20 ranker remove the bad links? Why would they build bad links?
a press release pr agency sells low quality press release from domain rating of 0

Victor » Matt
I know that they often add new things into the mix as well as update the list of sources. I'm not sure if that is supposed to be there but if they are all do-follow from those 0 Domain Rating (DR) domains I would check each domain to make sure its not complete spam. If it is, then I would start disavowing.
Then again… its not enough links to actually cause harm, but I would still look into it to prevent any extra risks.
I haven't seen this from a web20pr before though, as they should generally all be no-follow mentions from relatively high DR news sites.
Matt ✍️ » Victor
I just ran the PR through Ahrefs bulk backlink checker. Exactly 95 are DR 0. Every one of them is do follow. So Disavow them? Unfortunately 2 of the contextual links were to my maps listing and a citation. So I can't disavow for my maps listing..

Disclaimer – I run a Content Marketing platform that does Press Release (PR).
1. Last time I checked Web20Ranker resell a PR service from another providor – there's many selling it on Fiverr for less. All the exact same thing – 90% of PR services out there are the same.
MOST online PR service include small news sites in their distribution.
Unfortunately because someone like web20ranker includes 100 tiny sites and claim 1+ more news sites, then other Press Release sellers do the same. 80% of them out there are reselling this same service. (we don't and have our own unique mix of distribution points).
Likelihood is they do have bigger sites in their list, but it's harder to find them as most are small. In reality it's the impact of 1-2 sites in any PR blast which bring 90% of the results. In the end it's all dupe content anyway, so Google just picks the best 1 or 2.
That being said the extras do seem to help…
2. We have tested extensively and including them brings some benefit. There is no need to disavow because there's tens of thousands of businesses doing press releases getting links like these – Google would be penalizing hundreds of thousands of legit businesses doing Press Release (PR). At worst Google ignores them. Just never use maniuplative anchor text, and avoid the over Search Engine Optimization (SEO) that web20ranker does (like linking to Google My Business (GMB) listing).
3. Ahrefs is a terrible metric for the impact of PRs… many are nofollow, and the real thing you should pay attention to is how your Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) trend over time.
Google understands what a PR is, that there is editorial control, and seems to react well when you get clicks, increase in brand searches etc. as a result of these… but ONLY if you do it in the right way which gets clicks and attention.
(a click on a nofollow link on an unindexed DA1 site can have more SEO value than a link – but no click- on a DA20 site for example)
With distribution that includes the real local U.S news sites if done for traffic (and not link building), it ALWAYS benefits into the long run (providing you don't manipulate). We've seen people add millions in sales just doing campaigns similar to that.
That's how we do it it at AmpiFire – the press release part is only a one part of a much bigger content marketing campaign, but you get the idea.

Matt ✍️ » Chris
Thanks for sharing your expertise with us. Do you mind sharing your thoughts on this list?
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Google Sheets – create and edit spreadsheets online, for free.
I doubt there's any big issue with the list of small sites – worrying about smaller sites is a waste of time in my opinion.
Just don't manipulate anchor text and it's fine… but that's just bad SEO anyway.
If you have a big site it eventually gets scraped by DA0 sites all day long 1000x over so worrying about links from small sites isn't a big deal.
The more important thing is what big sites do you get on, and how well optimized is the content, and will it drive clicks

Jeff 🎓🎩
don't waste the time with a disavow.
They will fall off naturally.
But I would watch your rankings more then worry about Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA)
Domain Rating (DR).
Matt ✍️
Thanks for the reply Jeff The sites ranking went from 50 to 100. This Press Release (PR) is what bought after reversing a penguin penalty. They did a good job on these 20 web 2.0s I linked bellow though. The $150 was worth it. I would rather not have 100+ DR0-5 sites in my small link profile. Next time I will go with Spine PR again for the PR. I will update this post after a month or so if anyone wants to know where the site lands. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CZQ50B9Gon-6LA86bYdtJI6hm_7ftV43HDbfLFxgNj8/edit
Web 2.0s


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