To Rank a High Competition Keyword | “Lawyer” in Keyword

Hey everyone I want to rank for the key word “New Jersey bankruptcy lawyer” I’ve been writing blogs etc using the word but what else can I do to rank?
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Is your law firm doing marketing outside of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Karra ✍️ » Ruan
yes we were doing Google ads, Adwords etc
Ruan » Karra
I would recommend thought leadership marketing, Youtube videos, podcasts, blogging on other websites. Google primarily looks at your offsite engagement as well as on site. Blogging is good but will only go so far
Tanzir Rahman
+1 on what Ruan said. You'll rank higher as you get more traction on other platforms that Google can crawl.

Hey Karra, my agency only does law firm SEO. I would be VERY careful about over optimization and keyword cannibalization. If you’re looking for an actionable strategy I would say Guest Blogging, building high quality link bait articles, and participating in HARO to pursue some mentions. Contact me if you need assistance.

Karra ✍️ » Doug
what is HARO?
Doug » Karra
Help a Reporter Out.

Link building is what you need to get ranked. Do mix up your anchor text going to your site. So many things you can do.

Karra ✍️ » Chong
it’s hard to get links though
Chong » Karra
Proper link building is the most time consuming thing to do in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) but the most important. Do some blog outreach to share your most useful piece of content. Use broken link building too. This will help you rank and keep you up there when you get up to the top.

First research your competitors, like their content, how many words they write, how many backlinks they build, what information they include. After that compare yours and your competitors. Then add extra more information, write as like Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (E.A.T) then build backlinks
You need to first understand keyword users intent..Identify the gap if it's there..Try to come up with unique content which people love to share & the. Solve the problem.
And Your industry expert would like to link back to your site.
Content form could be.
1. User guide on subject you want to rank. interview
3. Q&A session.
5.How to avoid content.
Etc… See the what are the opportunity lies there which you can leverage.
Don't forget to promote your content & making link.
Hope it helps.
Hey Karra sorry to be a buzzkill but sounds like you've got a way to go on ranking for those keywords. Writing new articles mentioning the term isn't going to do much on it's own for ranking in a pretty competitive niche (bankruptcy lawyers).
You're gonna need to read up on on-page SEO fundamentals as well as link building techniques if you plan to do this yourself! Be prepared to put some time in to both learning and ranking for those terms, they are worth a LOT of money and other people who study this stuff are without a doubt going after them aggressively whether it's for their own company or they are an agency hired by the law firms.

This 👆

– Geo Optimized images
– Geo targeted articles
– target specific landing page
– citations
– video
– Backlinks from legal/lawyer websites

Hi Karra. I'm not being flip when i say "hire an SEO agency". Your profession is highly skilled and well paid. Don't waste your own time trying to do the thousand different things that will make the difference in rankings. Get an expert (WITH GREAT CLIENT REFERENCES!!).
No matter how much you study and learn the exotics of SEO, no matter how much you blog, if you don't check all the boxes Google wants you to check, you will never make page one. Even then, if you aren't getting traffic to your site through social shares, referring links, and advertising, Google won't rank you above page 4 or 5. When's the last time you went to page 5 of Google for a search?
Most importantly, you're a lawyer. You earn money practicing law. Don't even put on your digital marketing hat. It's a distraction. And it's so complex that it takes years to become savvy in the trade.
If you want to start a second career in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you can run your website against our SEO Audit tool. It returns some great information. (Full disclosure: you'll be subscribed to our monthly newsletter).
Best of luck!
Best SEO Audit Tool – Get a FREE SEO Page Audit Instantly

Doug » Jamie
Some of my best clients, who are 100% lawyers, understand quite a bit about SEO. That's like saying don't try to understand what you eat because you're not a nutritionist. So I agree with you to some degree, but I will disagree with you about discouraging learning about SEO. It often makes my conversations more productive because they understand what I'm doing and the challenges – even if they don't understand all the details. The more they understand about SEO, often the more they're impressed with our results. That's my personal $0.02.
Doug I agree. Knowledge is power, right?
The point I'm stumbling to make (that I believe is valid and truthful) put bluntly is that it will take a business owner years to gather the knowledge of an SEO professional (if ever).
Guaranteed, Karra doesn't want to go making rookie mistakes on her own website. It's her business. It's critical. And SEO is a boatload of tedious, time-consuming work. Ranking rarely "just happens" anymore, even with hard work. You have to be on-point to rank. Especially for a term whose advertising rate is $25 per click.
My company has made mistakes. lmao. But we don't make the same mistakes twice. Just like every professional, new clients get the experience that the old clients paid for.
Another aspect of my line of reasoning, again put bluntly, that there a ton of things to do before you ever see an ROI. Obviously there are things about SEO that Karra doesn't know, that's why she's asking. There are things about SEO that she knows she doesn't know, and there are things that she has no idea that she should know. To use your analogy, knowing you should eat your vegetables doesn't make you a nutritionist.
Finally, we pay the cost of a modest salary just for the analysis tools we use. SEMrush, SERPed, CORA, etc, etc ain't cheap. Unless you're a pro, you can't even see the whole playing field.
The hours that Karra spends working on SEO and digital marketing would probably pay for the same thing to be done exactly right the first time by an SEO team. PLUS all the other things she didn't yet know to do.
I don't want to discourage you from making your website better. Your content is GOLD! Getting experts to help you leverage that will pay dividends.

to rank a high competition keyword lawyer in keyword

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