An SEOs needs to remind their client’s domain expires and domain renewal

Question For The Group: Comment Below
If you are a marketing company that built and manages a website for a business, out of courtesy, should you or should you not be aware of when their domain expires even though the renewal of the domain is the ultimate responsibility of the client/business owner?


23 💬🗨

it depends upon what you have been contracted to do and who you are. I have some clients where we manage everything for them. I have some where we manage the site, but someone else manages the server and email and domain things.
Sure, they're ultimately responsible, but if you said or gave the impression that you'd take care of everything, then that's on you, I'd say.
Hard to know without knowing the specifics and seeing the contract.

Jardain » Truslow
I was thinking that a company necessarily is not responsible, but they should at least know.
I'm thinking that when you tell a client that you will "manage" a website, the proper expectations need to be established in clearly defined terms. I took on an account today, and I found out that the domain expired on early August. The domain was purchased by a private entity last week, and no one knew until I found out this afternoon including the business owner.
So… you're not to blame since you signed on today. The client has no ill will toward you.
At this point, I don't think worrying about who to blame is important here. Help you client get a new domain and teach them that every year or two (depending upon the term) they'll need to be on the lookout for the renewal emails. Teach them to keep a spreadsheet with all the URLs and logins and expiration dates and payment terms for everything – even the stuff you're going to manage. If you get hit by a bus, they need that info to continue. Hosting, Domains, Email, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Annual Plugin fees, everything.
Basically, don't assign blame – teach them to avoid the situation again next time.
Get the domain pointed and the site back up and then work up your strategy to get everything updated – Google My Business (GMB), Social media, any existing links that you might be able to get updated.
Don't dwell on the past, get it working and then move forward so they can start making money with the web site again and be paying you to manage it.

Chris Edwards 🎓
I always make a diary entry to remind the client

Jardain » Chris Edwards
I agree with you. It's the client's responsibility, but it's no guarantee that they will remember. If that website is lost, now you've just lost most of the incentive for the client to retain your firm.

I make a note of these things however, if I'm working with a new company that needs a domain I make them use their email address and tell them it's in them essentially. I typically catch it early, but if it expires I want them to be the ones that missed the email.

Jardain » Tripper
Good point. That's what I have done in the past.
Truslow » Jardain
On new domains, I'll often suggest they list me as the tech contact, too. That gives me access should they lose it and (with most registrars) triggers an email to me as well. They have the ownership still, of course, but I'm sort of the guy they list as their emergency contact. lol
Tripper » Truslow
Yes. That too. That's the best approach IMO.
Jardain » Truslow
That makes sense, but the company that I work for will not do that.
It has come in handy a couple times.
One time, I hadn't worked for the client for 10 years. The company existed, but the original tech guy had left the company and the first renewal came up after that guy left. They had no login info, no nothing. Seeing me on there, they reached out to me. I managed to get logged in, update their contact emails and got them access again. Took me about 15 minutes and saved them a lot of headaches.
Tons of similar situations over the years – but that one was the longest stretch where I was on there with no one bothering to update anything.
Jardain » Truslow
I'm with you on this. Not keeping good notes will turn a client into a former client.
And let them have control over what is there. There's no greater nightmare than taking on a new client who had someone who kept control of domain, hosting, or any of that. It's like holding a business hostage.
I've always managed to regain control for the client, but it's often taken me 10 or more hours over several weeks just to get the client control over something that was rightfully theirs to begin with.
Help them with the stuff, but keep them in control of what is rightfully theirs. Anyone who doesn't is eventually going to have to deal with a bunch of clients ruining their reputation and dealing with someone the likes of me coming around to take back what they stole.
Jardain » Tripper
I took on an account this week where no one made a note of anything except the login credentials, the domain expired on 8/6, it was purchased on 9/9 by a private entity, and the business owner is furious not at me but everyone that she worked with before me.
Tripper » Jardain
Man that's tough. If they had any traffic it might be one of those investment companies that will basically ally hold it for ransom. My wife works for a company that was a nonprofit and had a .org. They transitioned to a hybrid model and wanted the .com for transparency. Thy investment company out of Florida had already purchased it. Seems like they base the price in traffic and potential cause they wanted a lot. Having just moved from a non profit they weren't making any money and now have a .co. It's a little funny though because the url was just the company name. It's so unique then url is basically worthless to anyone else.
Jardain » Tripper
It's an 11 year old domain for an auto repair shop that's already seeing a decline in business.
Tripper » Jardain
Ah ok. So is someone else already using it then?
Jardain » Tripper
No one is using it. I think they're waiting for the business owner to approach them in order to fleece them on the buy back.
Tripper » Jardain
Ah okay. I think I misinterpreted the decline in business to mean traffic to the domain. I get it now. Sadly if you look up who owns the domain there is a good chance it is one of the big investment groups.
You're very welcome do the same. I would add one more point. I tell whoever my point of contact is explicitly even if they have an assistant purchased the domain to put it in their email so there are no excuses. Obviously I'm nice about it but I cover my six lol.

Miroslav Mišo Medurić
I run such a company, and I have a shedule of all domain and hosting renewals, no matter who's responsibility they are.
That's absolutely normal and expected thing imo. It's simply an integral part of running websites and doing marketing for them, because it affects my work.

Jardain » Miroslav Mišo Medurić
I agree with you 100%. I believe that the client loses a lot of their incentive of retaining your company if your out of the loop on something that important.


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