A Website on the First Page on Google With Zero Backlinks

I just saw today a website on the first page on google with ZERO backlinks. How is that even possible? Not even very good DA, and It was ranking for a very competitive keyword.
[filtered from 34 💬🗨]

a website on the first page on google with zero backlinks

It's a pretty easy keyword, tbh. The site does have good structure and on-page. The competitors don't have that much of backlinks. Overall, it's very achievable 👍🏽2

Elysian ✍️ » Jackie
There are competitors with a lot more back link and higher DA. And the keyword I used is coffee beans online Australia.
Elysian Yes, I've checked. Checked the site and the competitors as well. It's not that much of a difference in no.of links. Quality for each one of them also are fine. The site's DA is 14. But there are also others whoose DA is similar. Like not too much of a difference.
Elysian ✍️
Yes, but I just wondering how could they rank without a single back link. I mean there are others with a lot more content, and everything and cannot rank on the first page.
Elysian They have links to other pages though. Not that their entire domain doesn't have links. Plus, it doesn't mean more content will always win. The page which ranks is a category page. That satisfied the search intent. People are looking for products to buy or perhaps blog to read. That's why blogs are ranking too. And since the competitors don't have much of a good links, it can be easily done.
Elysian Plus, their domain also contains keyword in it. So that helps as well. 👍🏽1
Elysian ✍️ » Jackie
i see.
Elysian DA has nothing to do with rankings. It tells you absolutely nothing about the page that is ranking.
Elysian ✍️ » Mike
True, I am just trying to understand if my on page score is 100, will I be able to rank my website on the first page for the targeted keywords?
Elysian score of 100 according to what?
Elysian ✍️
According to ahrefs or some other tool that provide SEO scores.

Their are many more ranking factors, backlinks is just on of them..How long it will take people to understand, backlink is just one factor out of thousand which google consider. And how many times we have to explain, google don't care about DA. DA is moz factor, not Google…
And this site not ranking for any of competitive keywords. Keywords volume for which they are on page one is around 100-500 approx (and i just checked some random keywords, not that competitive in my opinion).
The only keyword which has 1000+ volume (Gaggia Classic), they are on roughly 42 position for that keyword.
So, are you sure the keyword on which they are ranking is competitive. ?! 👍🏽2

Elysian ✍️ » Furq
Yes, Even I am trying to rank on this keyword. It’s Coffee beans online Australia.
Elysian Yes, i noticed.. doing a little better on page you can rank easily..
Just do proper on page , wait for a month and see .. 👍🏽1

Did you click on it before or after you saw it on page 1?

Elysian ✍️ » Charlie


For starters, you are looking at a personalized search result… 👍🏽🤭4

Elysian ✍️ » Mike
as in?
Elysian You don't know what a personalized search result is?
Elysian ✍️ » Mike
That’s why I asked 🙂 👍🏽1
And you offer SEO services? Ugh. Google provides personalized search results based on your own search history. You can tell that this is a personalized search result because the title tag in your image is purple, indicating you have visited the page before influencing the search results you are seeing. 👍🏽1
Elysian ✍️
Got you, but I never checked this website before.
I didn’t post this question so that you judge my SEO skills mike. If I knew everything I would have not posted this here.
Elysian The only way the title tag shows up purple like that is if you have visited the page before from that device. If it wasn't you, it was someone on your computer.

As far as links are concerned, what matters is the links pointing to the page, both internal and external. DA doesn't tell you that. 👍🏽1
Instead of checking their inner page, i check the root (homepage). TF6 CF23 DA14 PA19 DR4.7 UR23 facebook 442 pocket 2. Actually i see 2 sites hit first page with 0 backlinks. This one the domain and brand is aged, since 1999. For your info, google did honor those sites that already exist for a long time. I mean the content + domain, not domain alone. We did have many sites claimed the top ten position and those sites all inner page do not have any backlink but still claim top ten slot. The root, yes, 3-100 backlinks. Your case, this site the homepage did have 600+ backlinks from 29 domains ( Australia directory and more ). They also have Instagram, Facebook, twitter ( not much fans ).

a website on the first page on google with zero backlinks

Elysian ✍️
Thanks a lot for the detailed explanation Roger
Elysian You are welcome. My honor to help. Your case, try https://about.google/products/ + blogger + Australia citation. Personally i focus 50% on content, 20% on on-page SEO ( some tasks are to do list only, we can skip ), 30% on off-page SEO. When the target keyword hit first page, i focus 100% on user experience + bounced rate + page speed. If people land on your site and immediately exit, google won't rank you anymore. Also try to get as much reviews from google users, it will help a lot. PS: From my humble opinion, that brand already exist and survive for 21 years. It deserve the credit to rank well.
Browse All of Google's Products & Services – Google 👍🏽1

Could be hidden PBN links. Check with open link profiler, chances are you can view some links. 👍🏽2


This may satisfy you: To rank a Website on Google and Bing’s First Pages without Backlinks

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